Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2014

Unofficial artwork for 31c3

Last year 30C3 was my first C3 ever. And last year the event wiki had a section called 'artwork' which inspired my to decorate my desktop background a bit.

This year the artwork section is missing for unknown reasons. So i 'lifted' the graphics I could find and put together a very simple and absolutely unofficial backbround for 31C3. The size is 1680x1050, which happens to be the size of my notebook screen. Feel free to use or modify or whatwever.

See you at 31C3.

Here are the graphics I liberated from the wiki and Chaosupdates Twitter account... I hope nobody will be too pissed off about that. If so - let me know.
The 31C3 Logo and Banner is copyright CCC e.V.


Update one day later, after the new image by Rosetta was published.

Image Credit & Licence (CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO)ESARosetta spacecraft, NAVCAM; Additional Processing: Stuart Atkinson

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